Vocabulary 10

Nonfiction Vocabulary # 2:

1. Intercept (v.) - to stop or get in the way

2. Confiscate (v.) - to take away by force

3. Censorship (n.) - limits on freedom of expression

4. Awe (n.) - a feeling of amazement

5. Commodity (n.) - anything you can buy or sell

6. Stoic (adj.) - not affected by pain

7. Cope (v.) - to deal with

8. Precarious (adj.) - unstable; not secure

9. Baffle (v.) - to confuse

10. Insular (adj.) - isolated

11. Sedately (adv.) - calmly

12. Tepid (adj.) - not hot, not cold

13. Peevish (adj.) - constantly complaining